Personal data and cookies charter – Applicable on 01/01/2022

The purpose of this charter (hereinafter referred to as the « Charter ») is to inform users of the site (hereinafter referred to as the « Site ») of the measures and commitments taken by the company NEON (hereinafter referred to as « NEON ») concerning the confidentiality of the personal data of the users of the Site, as well as the cookie policy implemented by NEON.

It is strongly recommended that users of the Site consult the Charter regularly before consulting and using the Site.


The Charter applies to the Site, excluding third party websites and services to which the Site may refer or allow access.

The Site may contain links to other sites over which NEON has no control. NEON endeavours to only include links on the Site to websites that comply with the same rules as NEON with regard to personal data and security. However, NEON cannot be held responsible for protecting and respecting the privacy of information that users of the Site communicate on other Internet sites. Users of the Site are advised to be cautious and to take note of the rules applicable to personal data on each site concerned. Personal data that users of the Site choose to provide to third parties or that are collected by them are not covered by the Charter.


Personal data on the Site is collected by NEON.

ABSTRACT is a limited liability company with a share capital of 45,734.71 euros, registered in the Manosque Trade and Companies Register under number 343 208 948, with the intra-community VAT number FR 83 343 208 948 and whose registered office is located at ZA, 1264 AVENUE DE TRAVERSETOLO 04 700 ORAISON, represented by Mr. and Mrs. Barbier, in their capacity as managers


Within the framework of the use of the Site and depending on the service used by the user on the Site, NEON may collect and process name, date of birth, gender, e-mail address, home/postal address, telephone number, IP address, geolocation, login, password, connection and browsing data, order history, bank details, preferences and interests, products viewed and purchased, delivery incidents and complaints.

The mandatory or optional nature of the data is indicated at the time of collection by the use of an asterisk. Refusal to provide mandatory data may lead to the restriction or prohibition of the benefit of a feature or service.


The data collected helps NEON to establish and manage its relationship with the users of the Site, as well as to offer them a personalized experience, in line with their needs and interests.

NEON may in particular use their personal data to :

execute a transaction or an order,
create a customer account,
prevent and detect security threats, fraud or other malicious activities,
provide information on NEON products and services,
provide and improve the services provided by NEON, including its customer service,
inform about new products, services and benefits,
to send commercial offers and personalised information (newsletters, telephone canvassing, etc.),
customise the Site,
measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, advertisements and web pages,
allow users of the Site to participate in contests, promotions, sweepstakes or surveys,
enable the activation and registration of products or services, such as storing products that have been placed in the shopping cart by users of the Site,
collect information requests and complaints from users of the Site,
managing a job application,
manage a registration for events,
use social networks to enable the sharing of content,
collect and disseminate contributions such as comments, ratings etc.
Credit card information is only used for the time necessary to complete a transaction, unless the user of the Site requests that it be retained for a subsequent purchase.


5.1 The data collected on the Site is intended for NEON and the subsidiaries of its group.

It may nevertheless be transmitted to or consulted by third-party companies (subcontractors) that NEON uses in the context of the execution of certain services and orders placed via the Site, such as

the service provider responsible for transporting the products ordered or to be repaired,
NEON’s bank and/or its payment service provider,
the service provider responsible for sending newsletters.

5.2 Direct and indirect marketing

NEON may, with prior consent, use information about the user of the Site in its possession to provide the user with information about its products, promotions, special offers, and other information relating to its products or services or which NEON believes may be of interest to users of the Site.

NEON may send this information by :

– E-mail ;
– Phone ;
– Text message SMS or MMS and/or any other form of electronic message ;
– Classic mail or any other means;
– Promotional banner on third party sites or social networks;
– Internet search engine.

Users of the Site will be asked to indicate whether or not they consent to this information being used for direct and indirect marketing purposes, whether by NEON or by a third party (including its commercial partners). To this end, they will have to tick one or more boxes in order to express their express consent after having previously taken note of the various commercial actions that may be carried out on the basis of the information they wish to communicate.

Thus, NEON uses the information relating to users of the Site who have given their prior consent to direct and indirect marketing actions, solely within the limits of the use to which they have knowingly consented.

Users of the Site may at any time revoke their consent or lack of consent or the extent of consent previously given in relation to direct and indirect marketing, by completing the form accessible via the URL:

In addition, when NEON sends these users of the Site messages relating to direct or indirect marketing, it will remind them of their right to request that these communications of information be stopped.

5.3 Transfer to third parties or outside the European Union

In general, unless otherwise indicated in the Charter, NEON undertakes not to share any personal information with third parties without the prior express consent of the user of the Site, except in the event that NEON has to :

– Respond to requests for information from competent authorities;
– Comply with regulations or an administrative or judicial decision;
– Detect and prevent security threats, fraud or other malicious activity;
– Enforce and protect the rights of NEON and its subsidiaries;
– To protect the rights or personal safety of NEON, its employees and third parties.

The personal data collected via the Site is hosted on servers located in France and the United States.

In the event that NEON should communicate the personal data of the users of the Site to a company of the NEON group or to a third party established outside the European Economic Area, NEON will have taken prior measures to ensure that the said data will benefit from the same level of protection as that imposed by the applicable law on data protection.


The Site is not intended for minors. Nevertheless, access to the site is not restricted to adults as long as it does not contain any content that is prohibited for those under 18.

The Site does not aim to collect the personal data of minors.

If the information of a minor was however collected, the legal representative of the said minor will have the possibility of contacting NEON to rectify, modify or delete this information in accordance with article 6 of the Data Protection Act in application of the provisions of article 7 mentioned below.


7.1 Right of access, modification, rectification and deletion

Users of the Site have the right to access their personal data and, if necessary, to request :

– Rectification or deletion of such data;
– The limitation of the processing of said data by NEON,
– Opposition to the processing of their personal data;
– All information relating to their data.

Notwithstanding the rights referred to above, NEON shall not be obliged to intervene in the data that remain essential for compliance with NEON’s legal and regulatory obligations.

To this end, users of the Site should contact NEON by filling in the form accessible via the URL: or by sending a letter to the address of its head office:


Email :

In accordance with the regulations in force, the request must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing the signature of the user of the Site making the request and specify the address to which the reply should be sent. A reply will then be sent within 2 months of receipt of the application.

7.2 Right to data portability

Users of the Site also have a right to the portability of the personal data concerning them that they will have communicated to NEON within the framework of the use of the Site, allowing them to recover part of their data recorded by NEON on the Site in order to store them or transmit them easily from the Site to another Internet site, with a view to their re-use for personal purposes.

To this end, users of the Site must send a request to this effect to NEON by filling in the form accessible via the URL: Upon receipt of the form duly completed by the user of the Site, NEON will send to the latter as soon as possible and at the latest within a period of one month, the personal data concerning him/her, except in the case of an exceptional extension to three months due to the complexity of the request from the user of the Site.

Users of the Site are informed that only the following personal data are concerned by this right to portability:

– data actively and knowingly provided by users of the Site requesting portability (e.g. postal address, user name etc.);

– data resulting from the use of the Site by said users (e.g. search history, user location data).

In any case, the right to portability cannot concern all the personal data of the users of the Site held by NEON which would result from an analysis carried out by NEON from the data provided by the users of the Site. Such data may, however, be consulted by users of the Site in the context of their request for access to their personal information, as referred to in point 7.1 above.

7.3 Unsubscribing to the Newsletter

NEON offers Internet users who no longer wish to receive the Newsletter the opportunity to unsubscribe by clicking on the link provided for this purpose in one of the Newsletters, via their customer account or by filling in the form accessible via the URL:

7.4 Opposition to telephone solicitation

If users of the Site do not wish to receive telephone solicitations, they must communicate their telephone number to NEON at the following e-mail address, or by post to the address referred to in article 7.1 above.

Users of the Site will then receive a receipt specifying the date on which their registration will be effective, which will be a maximum of 30 days after the receipt is issued. The receipt will also indicate the duration of registration on this opposition list.


NEON takes all reasonable measures to protect the personal data of the users of the Site, and in particular by way of example:

– Use of encryption to ensure data confidentiality ;
– Reliable protection mechanisms to protect data from malicious attacks;
– Visit control mechanisms, allowing only authorised personnel to access personal data;

NEON takes all reasonable steps to limit the personal data of users of the Site to sufficient and relevant data.

NEON retains personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy and will not retain personal data for longer unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law.

NEON is required to archive the data collected in order to meet its legal obligations in this area.

NEON uses its best efforts to protect the personal data of users of the Site against damage, loss, misappropriation, intrusion, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

In order to prevent any unauthorised access and/or dissemination, to preserve the integrity of the data and to ensure that it is used in accordance with the purpose for which it was collected, NEON has put in place a number of security measures.

NEON employees who, by virtue of their position, have access to the personal data of Site users undertake to maintain the utmost confidentiality in this regard.

When NEON sends highly confidential information (such as credit card numbers or passwords) over the Internet, it protects it using encryption methods such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

However, NEON does not control all the risks linked to the functioning of the Internet and draws the attention of the users of the Site to the existence of possible risks in terms of punctual losses of data or infringement of the confidentiality of data transiting via this network.


9.1 CNIL declaration :

NEON protects the personal data of the users of the Site by respecting the legislation in force and in particular the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) n° 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

9.2 DPO declaration :

NEON has also appointed Mr. Guillaume Barbier as Data Protection Officer (DPO), as referred to in Article 37 of the RGPD, in order to accompany and assist it in the process of compliance with the RGPD.

9.3 User complaints :

9.3.1 With NEON: For any questions, comments or suggestions, users of the Site may contact NEON by e-mail at the following address:

9.3.2 With the CNIL: Users of the Site also have a right of complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), the supervisory authority responsible for compliance with obligations in terms of personal data in France, by sending a letter to the following address: 3, place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 Paris Cedex 7.


Users of the Site are informed that when they consult the Site, cookies are deposited on their computer, mobile phone or any other electronic equipment used to consult the Site.

The first time users of the Site browse the Site, a banner appears describing the precise purposes for which cookies are used, the possibility they have to oppose them and informing them that continuing to browse the Site implies consent to the deposit and use of cookies on their terminal. If they do not agree to the use of these cookies, users of the Site should disable them by following the instructions below.

Définition. A cookie is a file containing small amounts of information that is downloaded to the Site’s users’ computer or mobile device when they visit the Site.

Cookies perform a number of functions, such as enabling them to navigate efficiently between pages, save their preferences and generally enhance their experience of the Site. They are managed by the browser used to browse the Internet.

The data obtained is limited. It only concerns the number of pages visited, the city where the IP address of the connection to the website is located, the frequency and recurrence of visits, the duration of the visit, the browser, the operator or the type of terminal from which the visit is made. Data such as the surname, first name of the user of the Site or the postal address of connection are not, under any circumstances, obtained.

NEON uses the following cookies:

Strictly necessary cookies:

These are cookies that are necessary for the operation of the Site. They allow users of the Site to use essential features of the Site, such as accessing secure areas, playing videos, remembering their preferences in order to customize their user interface (for example, their choice of language or region), or maintaining an active session. These cookies do not collect information that can identify you. All information that these cookies collect is anonymous.

Accepting these cookies is a necessary condition for the use of the Site, if users of the Site refuse them NEON will not be able to ensure a normal navigation on the Site.

Functionality cookies :

They are used to enable the use of the various features of the Site and to improve its operation.

These cookies do not collect information that can identify users of the Site. All the information these cookies collect is anonymous and only used to improve the functionality of the Site.

If users of the Site disable these cookies, some or all of these features may not be available. Users of the Site can find more information about the functionality cookies NEON uses and their purposes in the table below:

Cookies Google Analytics Social networks Opening Popup ;
Features Site audience measurement Content sharing on social platforms and tracking of subscribers’ navigation on the Site;
Measuring the time spent on a page ;
Access and recipients Google Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. NEON.

Analytics cookies :

They allow NEON to recognize and count the number of users and to know how they move around on the Site. This allows NEON to improve the functionality of the Site, for example, by ensuring that users of the Site can easily find what they are looking for. These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information. All information collected by these cookies is anonymous and only used to improve the functionality of the Site.

The Site uses Google Analytics cookies. The information collected by Google Analytics cookies will be transmitted to and hosted by Google on servers located in the United States of America in accordance with their privacy policy. For an overview of Google’s privacy policy and how it applies to Google Analytics, visit

Deactivation, setting, deletion and expiration of cookies :

On the user’s first visit, a cookie management banner appears on the Site. The user can then set the parameters for the collection of cookies. If they wish to reconsider their choice, they will have to reset their browser data for the banner to be displayed again.

However, if they decide to deactivate all cookies through the settings of their browser, in particular the cookies for the operation of the Site (e.g. cookies allowing them to save their shopping basket or to connect to their account), they may no longer have access to all or part of the Site.

Furthermore, disabling a cookie or category of cookies does not remove them from their browser, as deletion requires a specific action.

Continued browsing constitutes acceptance, and the period of validity of the consent of the users of the Site is thirteen (13) months maximum. If the user of the Site accepts cookies, they will remain stored on the user’s computer for five (5) years, unless the user of the Site deletes them via his/her browser.

Otherwise, the cookies expire and are therefore deactivated at the end of a period of 13 months after their first deposit in the terminal equipment of the user of the Site.


NEON reserves the right to update or modify the Charter from time to time. NEON will publish the modified Charter on the Site or notify the users of the Site, as the case may be, by an e-mail notification; the users of the Site are advised to regularly check the content of the Charter.